Support Local Journalism
For nearly 25 years, The Valley Breeze has been delivering quality local news coverage to our communities, supported by thousands of advertisers who have understood the value of a publication keeping their customers informed on what they care about.
In short, we’ve made our communities stronger by telling their stories.
Sometimes it might seem like it all happens by magic, seeing those papers show up in the newsstands each week since The Breeze was successfully launched in 1996. The fact is, none of it would be possible without a firm commitment to quality local journalism, hard work by staff across all of our departments, and often long nights and weekends making sure we hit those deadlines to keep this free resource coming to you.
That commitment remains, and with some assistance from our loyal readers who have been such a big part of our success over the years, we’re confident we can be even better in the future. We hope you’ll consider making a small investment in local news and the people who bring it to you each week.
~ The Valley Breeze Team
Note: Your donation is not tax deductible. The Valley Breeze is not a 501(c)(3) organization. No goods or services will be provided in exchange for your contribution.